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Futuro / Forrest Fire

Jordi Iven

Rhythmetic Records
RHYTHMETIC062 | 2018-03-26  
For our 62nd release we have a Dutch treat straight out of NYC, of course we're talking about Jordi Iven. Jordi's been honing his hands behind the decks at some of the most celebrated US venues like Output, Cielo or TBA Brooklyn for a while and we've certainly took notice, so we were more than happy when we got what else he can do. "Futuro" and "Forest Fire" are mirror opposites of each-other, while one goes on at a mellow melodic pace, incorporating haunting vocals from Duddha, the other arps it's way out, burning holes in the dance-floor. Be sure to watch out for Jordi in the future, we're sure there's much more to hear from him!

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