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Tonight We Fly (Aswe A Na Vole)

Mia Luxana, Jean Mary Brignol

OYA004 | 2021-01-15  
"Tonight We Fly (Aswe a Na Vole)" feat. Mia Luxana & Jean Mary Brignol is the 4th release on Oyasound produced by Sabine Blaizin and Okai Musik. Haitian singer Mia Luxana provides a lovely vocal interpretation of a traditional Haitian song as drummer/singer Jean Mary Brignol compliments with a spirited folkloric rhythm. Producers Sabine Blaizin and Okai Musik add an electronic undertone perfect for the dance floor. Symbolically, the song means " be proud of the little that you have. It may not be a lot, but it's yours. Don't let anyone make you think less of yourself or the power that you have. Be so proud that you feel like flying because you are so happy and joyful." Fly on!

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